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A Hero's Journey: Learning how to understand the journey and story arcs


45 minutes

About the Course

Do you love Harry Potter & the Sorceror’s Stone, Encanto, Percy Jackson, or Avengers? Do you know why those stories worked and why other stories don’t?

Learn the power of the story and the hero’s journey – including what makes a great story we love.

Join Pennymores author and Georgetown Professor Eric Koester as he how to develop a great story using an understanding of the hero’s and heroine’s journey, and the core seven basic plots. We don't worry about developing some big, complex, nuanced plot or story outline... we figure out a few things about the hero, what they struggle with, and how they can (and will) overcome it.

It's aimed at kids 6-14, BUT even adults can participate (and learn something). This is based on my teaching that has helped more than 30 of my students become national book award winners or finalists... and it's different than most people imagine.

Trust me, this is the perfect workshop if you've ever wanted to do more creative writing, develop a movie screenplay, or write a novel. You'll come away from this session with the foundation of your story arc. These techniques work... and they are fun too!

Your Instructors

Eric & Quinn Koester

Eric & Quinn Koester

Quinn, Parker & Eric created the Pennymores book as our pandemic project (it began as a bedtime story on January 1, 2021). Quinn served as chief "imagineer" for the story and Eric/dad as head scribe. Eric is a professor at Georgetown and has taught/coached more than 1,500 published authors with more than 35 of them winning national book awards or being named finalists.

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